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Hi there loverly blog-folks. I have not been blogging for over a month now, shame on me... There has just been a lot of things going on in my life and there was simply no room for a blogpost! However now I am ready for a comeback and I have a goodie for you today, american fluffy pancakes! If you wanna be the next culinary breakfastmaster, keep on reading! This is the recipe I used taken from Zoella , altered slighly by me. ( the recipe under is halved and make about 5-6 pancakes, double it if you have guests over)


3 eggs

115g Flour

2 teaspoons of baking powder

140 ml milk

1 pinch of salt

1. Sift your flour into a bowl and add your baking powder.

2. Seperate your eggs by having a seperate bowl to the eggwhites and your yolks.

3. Whisk your eggwhites and 1 pinch of salt with a hand mixer until it has formed stiff peaks. Mix it with small or middle speed to not knock out the airy and fluffiness of the eggwhites.

4. Make a "well" / hole in the middle of your bowl with dry ingredients to make room for the wet ingredients. Add the egg yolks and combine gently adding milk little by little.

5. Fold your eggwhites into the mixture, again being careful not to mix it just gently folding to avoid the air to fall flat.

6. Cook in a pan on medium heat, until you can see bubbles forming on top. About 30 seconds on each side. Use grease of your choice i just used regular cookingbutter.


When it comes to toppings for this baby they are endless! You can use nutella and nuts, bananas, marsmallows. But today I opted for two classic and easy choices.

Maple syrup and forest berries:

I actually used frozen berries for this and to be honest it worked great and had a refreshing effect now in the springtime. I also used a little bit of whipped cream

Lemon and sugar:

I would just like to point out that in my opinion this is the tastiest and also simplest option. And also that using real lemon juice is far better than bottled but this was all I had on hand this morning.

I hope you give this one a go, it's a sure winner and I guarantee you will impress guests with these! Let me know in the comments if you want me to do more bakingposts and if you will give these a whirl!.

Lots Of Love Emma xoxo

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